

    Sr.No. Teacher Name Designation Role
    1 Smt. Vidyawati Librarian I/C
    2 Smt. Suman Rani TGT-Maths Member
    3 Sh.(Dr.) Devdatt Sharma TGT-Sanskrit Member
    4 Sh. Ajay Kumar Sub-Saff Member


    • To ensure that the Vidyalaya is being maintained neat and clean.
    • To ensure that the Vidyalaya is cleaned and be present till the cleaning is over on daily basis.
    •  To maintain necessary records related to monitoring of the cleanliness of the Vidyalaya.
    • To distribute the work among the cleaning staff and ensure that the cleaning materials as required for them are being procured and issued to them for proper cleaning of the Vidyalaya from time to time.
    • To ensure that the cleaning staff are being supervised and work taken from them.
    • To report about the cleanliness of the Vidyalaya everyday in the morning before 9.00 AM and follow up if there are deficiencies.
    • To verify and submit the bills of conservancy contractor for payment along with certificate to the office.
    • To verify and check the quality and quantity of cleaning materials supplied by the contractor/ procured form market.
    • To chalk out and implement the programmes related to Vidyalaya Swachchhata Aabhiyan with the help of class teachers.
    • To suggest programmes for enhancement of overall ambiance of the Vidyalaya.